Students understanding the complexity of language

Chapter 01-12: Conjunctions

chapter 1: conjunctions The structure class of conjunctions consists of three types:  coordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions, and conjunctive  adverbs. Each type of conjunction joins together grammatical units in a  particular way. Coordinating Conjunctions always join like …

Chapter 01-11: Qualifiers

chapter 1: Qualifiers Prototypical qualifiers usually precede adjectives or adverbs in  order to decrease or increase the quality signified by the words they precede. For example:   Before a big test, it matters if you’re a little …

Chapter 01-09: Pronouns

chapter 1: Pronouns Pronouns differ from other structure-class words because they can change inflections. See how the different personal pronouns in this passage all refer to the same antecedent: Karen went purse-shopping. She had to have the latest …

Chapter 01-08: Determiners

chapter 1: determiners Determiners are structure-class words that precede and modify nouns  both grammatically and lexically. Sometimes, nouns need determiners and  sometimes they don’t: You let the cat out of the bag! (The definite article the is a determiner.) Your …